Passion is great; financial support makes the passion available for the long term.

Subscription information
We invite you to support World Streets in the way you find most appropriate.
Annual subscription is 29 Euros ($39.00 if you prefer) -- the same price by the way as for a subscription to Vélib's great and otherwise free share bike service. This strikes us as a good model, since like Vélib once you have signed up the rest is free. First class sustainable mobility for all. Help yourself. And help the world.
Subscribers have full access to all sections of the site, and as well receive the monthly summary report. You also for your money get a guided tour to Vélib, Mobilien (BRT), "breathing streets", our "political tramway" and the other remarkable highlights of the ongoing process of sustainable transport innovation in Paris when your travels bring you here. Also, we are here to answer your questions and review eventual problems or projects with you by email or Skype. It is very much an active subscription.
Note: If you chose you may of course donate more than the nominal subscription. That's a big help and we appreciate these votes of support.
How to transfer funds:
To make payment by credit card or PayPal, please click the Support icon immediately below and follow the directions if you are not a seasoned user of PayPal. The following routine works both for payment by credit card or by PayPal.
1. Step 1 is to stay on the left half of the payment form and consistently ignore all of the right column references to opening up a new PayPal account. (Unless that is what you wish to do.)
2. Once you have indicated the amount of your donation, and then clicked the "Update Totals" link, the next step is to proceed to the bottom left where just above the small credit card facsimiles you will see the "Continue" link.
3. If you click "Continue" it brings you to the "Pay With Credit Card" page which you treat in a standard Internet manner. At that point on the succeeding frames all you have to do is Verify the billing information and the fact you wish to make a contribution. That's it.
Direct bank transfers:
And if for any reason that should not work or you prefer otherwise, one option is to make a direct bank payment. Here are our billing details (USA for dollars, France for Euros) in the event that is the option you prefer:
Payment in Euros:
Account Holder: Association EcoPlan International
Account no. 00010465401
Crédit Industriel et Commercial de Paris
Succursale BR (Montparnasse)
202 Blvd. Raspail / 75014 Paris, France
IBAN : FR763006610621000146540105
Payment in US Dollars:
Payable to: New Mobility Partnerships, Inc.
Account number 441502185465
JPMorgan Chase Bank
214 Broadway,
New York, NY 10038 USA
Routing number: 021000021
Finally, if you prefer to send a check direct our mailing address is:
Association EcoPlan InternationalYou can make your check payable to Association EcoPlan International
8/10, rue Joseph Bara
F75006 Paris, France
And if you are not in a position to subscribe?
We are well aware that a number of our readers, particularly those working in the poorer developing countries and unfunded local environment and transport groups, cannot easily afford this amount. To you we have three messages of solidarity.
First, no problem! Please continue to come into World Streets and make use of the hard work of all of us who are pitching in here. We need you to carry on with your work and contributions, after all that is what this is all about. And if we can help you in this way, so much the better.
Second, we invite you to keep an eye on what is going on in your city and country, and when appropriate let us know of projects, problems, accomplishments, which will help us all to better understand the full complexity of our shared task. One excellent way to do this, is to sign in to the World Eyes on the Street network, for which full details are available if you click here.
Finally, it would be great if you would send us a simple email message telling us that you are making use of all this work. And perhaps a few suggestions and reactions for us to consider as we strike to do better. Also, if we have a large number of these messages of support, this will help in our search for longer term funding to support this work. After all, we have to be sustainable too. (Click here to add your message of support.)
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