Tuesday, December 4, 2012

The crux of the problem with transportation is that . . .

road rage male

The crux of the problem with transportation is that . . .   everyone wants the same thing at the same time, feels entitled to it and doesn’t want to pay more, or differently. And that's not all . .

We face no incentives to shift our demand to match available capacity because cities cannot behave like mobile operators who eliminate unlimited data plans, throttle usage and jack up prices – all effective but unpopular measures.

lost reading map in cityAlso, we typically don’t know where to find a street with light traffic, a taxi looking for a fare, a truck returning empty, a vacant parking space, empty seats in a car, or a car that could be used. All this road, freight, vehicle and seat capacity goes to waste.

ICT continues to revolutionize the way we work, the way we shop and the way we interact with each other. But for most of us, the way we move around town has not changed a lot in 50 years. Smartphones, however, are fast changing the way we live:

* Full text here: http://cityminded.org/12-innovative-urban-transportation-apps-4708

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