When I or anyone else with a transportation issue burning in the front of our brain, walk into City Hall to talk to the mayor about the important topic which bring us into her office, here is what we implicitly assume is her dominant preoccupation behind these exchanges:
If only it were so.
Monday, August 13, 2012
What do you think the mayor is thinking about when you walk through the door this morning to talk to her about that very important transport issue?
Thursday, August 9, 2012
CFDs: Get the nose of the camel under the tent.
Every day is a great day to take a few cars off the road and think about it
Once a year in mid-summer we wind up the World Car Free Day Collaborative site at www.worldcarfreedays.com as we have done yearly for the last 15 years to get it ready to serve as an information source and contact tool for cities and others who are considering events in the second half of the year. Most notably among these the numerous Car Free Day events are those that tend to cluster around the end of September, including the annual European Mobility Week and its multitude of CFDs, most but not all of which in Europe, which you can check out for yourself at http://www.mobilityweek.eu/home/. --> Read on:
Friday, August 3, 2012
On Building New Mobility Ecosystems: The mayor has some questions
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I understand Professor that you are preparing a major public address on new transport ideas for our city tomorrow. My staff tells me you are calling it "On Building New Mobility Ecosystems". Now that sounds quite intriguing, but can you tell me in a few words that you have in mind to talk to us about?
Thursday, August 2, 2012
A Mayor's-Eye View of Sustainable Transportation: Politics as the art of the possible
The letter that follows is, as you will quickly surmise, not an actual communication from one elected official in one case, but rather a composite, a distillation of experience that I have had over these last years of trying to push the sustainable transportation agenda in many parts of the world, almost always in conjunction and in dialogue with mayors and other city leaders. As you will see, it is not that they are uniformly adverse to or not interested in the concepts behind sustainable transportation and sustainable cities. It is just that they have a great many other things on their mind, including staying on top day after day of the considerable challenges of managing their city -- and, in not very long, running once again for reelection. This is the political reality of which those of us who would be agents of change must be aware, that politics is the art of the possible. Now let's turn the stage over to our mayor:
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Editorial: Why are we losing the sustainability wars? In transport, in cities, in our lives? Because we are . . .
Consider these irrefutable unpleasant truths:There may be successes and improvements in this project, in this place, in this way, but when we look at the bottom line -- i.e., the aggregate impact of our transport choices and actions on the planet -- it is clear that we (that's the collective "we" including all of us who have in some way committed to or accepted this great responsiblity, this author certainly included) are failing, big time. And if we are frank with ourselves, we can see that this is quite simply because . . .