Sunday, April 14, 2013

Weekend Musing: One more reason why Africa does not matter

africa map"In a fair world it should be unthinkable to ignore the needs of close to one billion of the poorest people on the earth living in its second-largest and second most-populous continent. A part of the world with already one-third of the population living in cities, most of whom in slums, and with a flow of people from the country side continuing at record rates."

- From Cities, Transport and Equity in Africa: Unasked Questions

The TRUE Size Of Africa - An Erroneous Map Misled Us For 500 Years!

Monday, April 8, 2013


world map mercator

Although featured in 'The West Wing', this map dishonesty is anything but fictional. The video below will give you an accurate look at the size of Africa.


People are often not aware of how large Africa continent really is. The image below is an accurate look at Africa relative to some major countries:

The map shows how Africa (30,3 million km²) is larger than the combination of China (9,6 million km²), the US (9,4 million km²), Western Europe (4,9 million km²), India (3,2 million km²) and Argentina (2,8 million km²), three Scandinavian countries and the British Isles (map gives no surface for these last two areas.

A simple change in the look of a map can cause a reconsideration of your fixed ideas about a place.

*  See more at:

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eb-abount the editor - 15apr13 - cretive commons

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