Friday, January 7, 2011

Guaranteed Scottish technique for taming traffic

As the whole world knows, the Scots are an ingenious lot.  And  in a highly creative response to my yesterday's "Unfair, unsafe and unwise . . . " call for collaborative ideas for car control, one anonymous Scottish expert has just sent in the following technical  illustration showing how they are able to slow down traffic and otherwise create a better smelling and more natural environment in Scotland.  He recommends it as an efficient, affordable, warm and often delicious sustainability strategy. It has worked for a long time in Scotland and will, they guarantee,  work well on your roads and streets too in the future. Auld Lang Syne.

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1 comment:

  1. Some time ago there was a visit by Dutch traffic planners to the Yorkshire
    Dales, which has unfenced roads crossing areas where sheep roam, to see if
    animals could be used as an effective means of traffic calming. Anyone know what
    the result of that visit was ?

    Simon Norton


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