Thursday, June 17, 2010

(NEW!) Get your copy of "World Streets This Week"
(and/or the daily or monthly edition)

Three-step Executive Summary:
1. Log into new World Streets/Open Edition via
2. On top right, you will see a To Subscribe box, where you plug in your email.
3. Minutes later you will receive a welcoming email, offering you the following one-click choices
• Email format – Select to receive in HTML or plain text.
• Delivery window – Select daily or weekly delivery.
From there on you will find clear step by step instructions to note your preferences. But now if your time permits here is a bit of background with more subscription details if you wish:

When we were first organizing World Streets in the closing months of 2008 we wrote a note to a good selection of our colleagues in the dozen or so New Mobility Agenda focus groups asking them if their personal preference was for a daily, weekly or monthly journal. The replies were mixed, with a slight preference overall for a weekly.

However we – our editor that is – were firmly committed to the idea of creating an independent DAILY newspaper offering world coverage of our selected topic, on the grounds that this seemed to be the best way of getting the fast developing flow of news and views out into the mainstream of media and public attention. On the other hand, we also made provision for a monthly version, which has been systematically made available to all who contribute and otherwise help support these efforts. The weekly edition turned out to be too complicated and expensive in our original software platform.

But this has changed and we are now able to offer you the choice of one or all three: daily, weekly, monthly subscription. Here are some additional details on how this works.

To sign in:
Subscribers need not be registered with Any subscription made using an email address not associated with a account will be sent details of how to confirm and manage their subscriptions without needing to register at

Visitors who are logged in to do not need to confirm a subscription, all other visitors will be sent a confirmation email with full instructions on how to activate their subscription.

To manage your subscription:
Your welcoming letter will show a Manage Subscriptions link, which you can use at any point either to change your delivery preferences, or if you wish to Unsubscribe with a single click. No problem.

To make comments:

This forum is (lightly) moderated .

Comment author are invited to fill out name and e-mail
These fields are only shown to someone who is not logged in to If you are already registered the routine will be self-explanatory.

When you leave a comment check the Notify me of follow-up comments via email checkbox before submitting. to receive an email notification every time someone else leaves a comment on that post.


If you wish to contribute articles or invite discussions, please get in touch so we can register you as a contributor. We will be pleased to work with you to prepare the final posting(though once we have agreed and it has been published it may no longer be edited by the contributor. However if there is a problem or need for revision, this we can handle together.

We hope you will enjoy the new World Streets/Open Edition and work with us to make it yours.

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