Sunday, January 11, 2009

Letters to the Editor

You are invited to submit letters to the editor addressing topics and events which correspond with the specific orientation of World Streets. Letters for publication should be no longer than 250 words, and must include the writer's name, email address, affiliation/URL (if any), and city/country.

Here are some tips: Write quickly, concisely and engagingly. And of course be unfailingly polite.

You may find some help in our editorial guidelines.

Illustrative graphics can be helpful and are invited.

You are invited to post your letter to

From time to time, we may decide to select a letter to the editor as a posting for a given day. In such a case we may contact the author to discuss presentation details.

As a reminder, if what you wish to do is to comment on a specific piece, the routines for doing this are available in the last paragraph here.

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