Paris: 8 May 2011. We are, as of today, in the process of updating and completing this list of international colleagues, each of whom are working day after day on challenges, projects and programs, alone and with others, all in support of the principles of sustainable development and social justice, in cities and countries around the world. It is our intention to have the revised and expanded version on line in June. The final version will include some explanatory materials to clarify the process by which this "new mobility majority" is in the process of overtaking the old attitudes, approaches and policies which have been largely responsible for our gross underperformance in the sector, all the more important as the 21st century noose tightens in terms of climate, local environment, energy supply, scarce resources, the economy, congestion, poor service quality for the majority, and the long list goes on. In the meantime if you spot errors or omissions on the following, please get in touch and let us know.
[Note on working draft. This is in two parts: (a) the in-process listing which follows, and (b) the background section entitled "About the Council". The latter is based on the original explicatory notes for the Council, written in 2005, and is in the process of being completely overhauled. In the meantime you can view the latest working text here.]
World Voices of Sustainable Transportation
Introduction to the Advisory Council profiles. |
Who are these people?
Professors, activists, civil servants, parents, researchers, politicians, climatologists, bikers, walkers and people who take pubic transport regularly, film-makers, land use planners, philanthropists, journalists, community workers, designers, lobbyists, doctors, gardeners, editors, videographers, urbanists, architects, actors, public entrepreneurs, bloggers, social workers, teachers, good neighbors, photographers, advocates for underserved people and groups, . . . and above all active concerned citizens.
This group is above all distinguished by its quality, its relevance and commitment to the challenges we face in and around our cities, and their great diversity. Spanning all continents, disciplines and ages, from distinguished elder statesmen to energetic young people just a few years out of school but already actively involved with these challenges in the field. The present and the future. And a good (but not good enough) number of highly qualified women leading the way with their work and vision. It is our hope that this easy framework of collaboration and eventual exchange will not only profit from their energy, experience and counsel, but that it will also possibly stimulate us all to think more about sharing -- the only path to achieve a sustainable planet. And oh yes, we understand full well that it will not be easy.
One last defining point that needs to be made about almost all of the members of this group -- most of whom I have known for a number of years -- and that is that they are not narrow specialists. Their competence spans many fields and types of activities, and beyond that they share the characteristic of continuing commitment and great stamina. They have not taken the easy road, so it takes not just brains, energy and a nice idea, but also the capacity to rise to the challenge again and again, without losing the freshness of their thinking and commitment. Ladies, Gentlemen, chapeau.
Note: In the in-process revised version, the profiles will be presented by continent, and then within each continent by country.
Advisory Council members - index (in progress) |
A| B| C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
- John Adams, University College London, United Kingdom
- Mário J. Alves. Sustainable transport activist. Portugal
- Esther Anaya, Bicycle/mobility consultant. Barcelona, Spain
- Fabio Arévalo Rosero, Médico experto en urbanismo. Colombia
- Tony Armstrong, Living Streets, UK
- Anzir Boodoo, Academic/Transport Activist, Leeds, UK
- Tony Armstrong, Chief Executive of Living Streets, UK
- Bina C. Balakrishnan. Transportation Planning & Engi-neering. Mumbai, India
- Denis Baupin, Vice Mayo: Sustainable development, Paris, France
- Kristine Beuret, Director, Social Research Associates. London, UK
- Tom Bishop. Africa Director, Amend. Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
- Enrico Bonfatti. Co-founder and editor of Nuova Mobilità. Bergamo, Italy.
- Anzir Boodoo, Academic/Activist/Transport Dietician, Leeds, UK
- Jan Borghuis. Carshare innovator, Greenwheels, Netherlands
- Wendy E. Brawer. Open Planner , Green Map Systems, New York, NY, USA
- Donald Brackenbush, Architect, city planner and environmentalist. Los Angeles CA USA
- Eric Britton. Planner. Sustainable Development Activist. Paris, France
- Lester R. Brown. President of Earth Policy Institute. Washington, D.C. USA
- Charina Cabrido. Environmental researcher, writer, cycling advocate. Kathmandu, Nepal
- Megan Carr, Livable Communities Consultant, Milwaukee, WI US
- Jason S. K. Chang. Professor, National Taiwan Uni-versity. Taipei, Taiwan
- Robin Chase, Transportation/technology innovation. Meadow Networks. Boston USA
- Lewis Chen. Developing carsharing in Asia. Singapore
- City of Stuttgart/Cities for Mobility. Stuttgart, Germany.
- Ali Clabburn. Ride sharing entrepreneur, UK
- Anwar Fazal. Social Activist, Right Livelihood College, Penang, Malaysia
- Gary Forster, Transaid Africa, Nigeria
- Katherine Freund, Founder and President, ITNAmerica, Westbrook, Maine USA
- Michael Glotz-Richter, Senior project manager: Sustainable Mobility. Breman, Germany
- Ken Greenberg. Urban Design and Architecture. Toronto, Canada
- Dieter A. Hagenbach. architect, publisher, media consultant. Basel CH
- Ben Hamilton-Baillie. Architect, urban designer, movement specialist, Bristol, UK
- Gail Jennings, Editor, Mobility Magazine, Cape Town, South Africa
- Fred Kent. Founder and president of Project for Public Spaces, New York City USA
- Susan Lin, Project Leader, media, reporter, editor, man-ager. Taipei, Taiwan
- S Ze Lobo, Active Transport, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- Alice Maynard, future inclusion. Milton Keynes, UK
- Rory McMullan. European Mobility Week Coordinator for the UK
- Paul Minett. Co-Founder and CEO, Trip Convergence Ltd, Auckland, New Zealand
- Dinesh Mohan. Mobility and safety of people outside cars, New Delhi, India
- * Charles Montgomery, Author and activist. Vancouver, Canada
- Ms. Veronica Moss, Lobbyist, Automobile User Trade Organization (A.U.T.O.), USA
- Peter Muheim. Mobility management, Switzer-land
- Peter Newman. Professor of Sustainability, Curtin University. Perth, Australia
- Pascal J.W. van den Noort, Executive Director Velo Mondial. Amsterdam, the Netherlands
- Catherine O'Brien. School of Education, Health & Wellness, Sydney, Canada
- Pallavi Pant, Sustainabilty activist, India
- Gil (Guillermo) Penalosa. Walk and bike activist, Colombia & Canada
- Paolo Pezzotta, President, Integrated Transport Planning, Chester Heights, PA USA
- David Ta-Wei Poo. Sustainable transport for city leaders & engineers. Banciao City, Taiwan
- Elizabeth Press. StreetFilms, Livable Streets video-grapher, New York City USA
- Danijel Rebolj. Politician and Professor, University of Maribor, Slovenia
- Antonia Roberts, Director of Carplus, London UK
- Alon Rozen. Education and sharing with youth. Paris France and Tel Aviv Israel/A>
- * Sally Scarlett, Manager, Association for European Transport. London U.K.
- Luud Schimmelpennink. Industrial designer, Social Innovator, Politician. Netherlands
- Leena Silfverberg. Transport planning division, Helsinki City Planning Department, Finland
- Susan Shaheen. Transportation Sustainability Re-search Center. Berkeley CA, USA
- Christopher Sumpton. Filmmaker, Toronto, Canada
- Nite Tanzarn. Consultant/Development Management Specialist. Kampala Uganda
- * John Thakara. France
- Petra Todorovich, Director America 2050 USA. Brooklyn, New York, USA
- Jane Voodikon, concerned person and editor. Los Angeles and Chengdu, China
- Jay Walljasper. Author, editor and environmental activist. Minneapolis USA
- Dave Wetzel, Transforming Communities. The Politics of Transport, London UK
- John Whitelegg. Sustainable transport teacher, activist and politician. Lancaster UK
- Susan Zielinski. Program director and sustainability activist, Ann Arbor, USA
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John Adams, Professor of geography. University College London, UK
John is emeritus professor of geography at University College London. London on whose challenging streets he has got around by bike daily forthe about last thirty years. He was a member of the original Board of Directors of Friends of the Earth and has been involved in debates about environmental issues ever since. He has written extensively about transport issues. Transport Planning: vision and practice was his first book; more recently he has explored The Social Consequences of Hypermobility. John has taken a close interest in the way different road users - pedestrians, cyclists and motorists - relate to each other, a subject first examined in Risk and freedom: the record of road safety regulation and in numerous publications since. --> [more]
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Mário J. Alves. Sustainable transport activist. Portugal
Mário J. Alves has a degree in Civil Engineering and a Master of Science in Transport. He worked at the Centre for Transport Studies of the University of London and the Centre forUrban and Regional Systems of the University of Lisbon. He was executive coordinator of mobility plans and participated in several European projects. Recently he worked on a report to critically assess the policies of the Portuguese government to achieve the Kyoto targets. He was part of the International Scientific Programme Committee of the conference Walk21 in Toronto and is National Coordinator of the COST Action Pedestrian Quality Needs. He was advisor for the Mayor of Lisbon and currently advisor for Lisbon´s Mobility Deputy Mayor. In 2010 he was the co-editor the book "The Walker and the City". Over the last decade wrote articles and presented numerous papers and seminars on topics related to transport and sustainable mobility.
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Esther Anaya, Bicycle mobility consultant. Barcelona, Spain
Esther has been working on bicycle planning and research since 2003. Her academic background is environmental studies and she has specialised in sustainablemobility through her experience and postgraduate education. She is co-author of The Guide for the Implementation of Public Bikes Systems in Spain. She has participated in different projects to bring bicycle to the agendas, from social forums to European conferences, always trying to keep a critical and technical approach. She considers Shared Public Bikes to be an effective way of promoting cycling as a sustainable urban mode of transport and bike planning. Her interest comes from the need to generate new ideas to contribute to better living in cities, from a multidisciplinary perspective. (You can email her direct here.)
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Fabio Arévalo Rosero, Médico experto en urbanismo. Colombia
Médico experto en urbanismo, especialista en ciencias de la actividad física y del desempeño humano. Bioquímico, profesor universitario,educador ciudadano, investigador en temas urbanos, salud pública y desarrollo humano sostenible. Consultor de World Streets. Hace parte del panel colombiano de líderes de opinión. Comunicador científico, colaborador y columnista de los más importantes medios colombianos y de varias páginas web. Editor de diversas publicaciones, escritor y autor de obras sobre desarrollo humano. EDirector del espacio en radio ZONA F.M. noticias. Mrecedor de varios premios como promotor de la actividad física y de la movilidad sostenible. Autor en la ciudad de Pasto (Colombia) del Primer "Día sin carro" Car Free Day, voluntario con un éxito del 95% de aceptación. Autor y gestor de la performance "Mayor número de Santa Clauss en bicicleta" (Guinness record) Sub-campeón mundial de los 30 Juegos Mundiales de la Medicina y Salud - World MEDIGAMES - 2009
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Tony Armstrong, Living Streets, UK
Tony Armstrong is the Chief Executive of Living Streets, the UK's national charity working to create safe, attractive and enjoyable streets where people want to walk. Living Streetsis actively involved in campaigning, project delivery and consultancy projects to improve streets in favour of pedestrians, working with many other organisations and individuals to achieve our vision. Previously he led the Cross Government Obesity Programme, Department of Health. He has a background in neighbourhood regeneration and renewal and health improvement, and has held a number of senior policy adviser roles in Government. He was a founder member of the Government's Neighbourhood Renewal Unit from 2001, where he was responsible for national work on neighbourhood management and health inequalities and the development of Local Strategic Partnerships. He also worked in a local New Deal for Communities partnership in East Brighton, where he focused on working with residents and local agencies to improve local services.
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Bina C. Balakrishnan, Transportation Planning & Engineering. Mumbai, India
Independent Consultant in Transportation Planning, Traffic Engineering andDemand Management. Teaches Sustainable Transportation Policy at 2 Colleges in Mumbai. As Transportation Consultant to the Mumbai Transformation Project, Mumbai, was able to formulate a large number of policies and initiate several projects that could initiate a shift to more sustainable transportation use in a Metropolitan Region with a population of over 19 million. Has worked with NGOs, State and Central Government Undertakings all over India. For the past 10 years, she has been focusing on Sustainable Transport Policy and Strategy, with emphasis on optimization of existing resources. Currently works out of Mumbai. --> [more]
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Denis Baupin, Vice Mayo: Sustainable development, Paris, France
In 1984 Baupin graduated with an engineering degree from Paris's prestigious École Centrale de Paris, subsequently became director of the international NGO "Terre deshommes" ("Planet of mankind"). A member of the Green Party since 1989, he served as council to the then-leader of the French Greens de Dominique Voynet in the European Parliament, and in 1997 as special adviser to the French Ministry of Territorial Management. Since 1995 he has been an elected official of the 20th arrondissement of Paris. From 2001 to April 2008 he was directly responsible for the management of and innovation in the mobility sector for the city. He has been a major figure in the greening of Paris and specifically to leading and supporting a range of innovative projects and services that are transforming the mobility sector and making Paris into a world leader in this field. Currently he is vice mayor of Paris responsible for the city's programs and initiatives in the areas of sustainable development, environment and climate change. --> [more]
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Kristine Beuret. Adressing the social aspects of transport London, UK
Kris Beuret OBE FCILT FIHT is a sociologist with a special interest in building consensus be-tween the public and professional transportplanning and engineering perspectives. Kris has advised Governments on strategic approaches to consultation and evaluation, especially in relation to the need for a consumer perspective and the involvement of people with mobility and accessibility problems. Kris is a member of the UK Independent Transport Commission and the Transport Associates Network. Previously Kris worked as an academic and before that for the World Bank International Finance Corporation. Kris is the director of Social Research Associates a company based in UK. A current project is to improve the quality of taxi provision including the encouragement of shared use. --> [more]
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Tom Bishop, Africa Director, Road safety charity Amend, Dar es Salaam Tanzania
Tom Bishop is responsible for delivering Amend's 'Be Seen, Be Safe' road safety programme in Africa,working with schools, governments, civil society and the media to reduce the number of child road deaths and injuries. Tom comes from a transport planning background, having worked as a consultant to the UK government's Highways Agency on influencing travel behaviour to encourage a shift away from the use of single occupancy vehicles and to encourage the use of sustainable transport. Having spent a significant part of the last decade in Africa, he is disturbed to see that increased prosperity is giving birth to the very problems of congestion, pollution and road deaths that we are trying to address in the West. While increased accessibility and mobility are undoubtedly needed for development to happen, the use of 4x4s as urban status symbols is something that must be addressed. In countries where a car is the first thing that somebody buys when they get money, there is need for travel demand management. --> [more]
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Enrico Bonfatti, Managing Editor, Co-Founder of Nuova Mobilità, Bergamo Italy
Nuova Mobilità is a sister publication of World Streets, created in July 2009 to serve and net-work the Italian transport and environment community. As a long time activist andclose observer of transport and environment conditions in his home city Berga-mo, and more generally in Italy, Enrico Bonfatti came to realize that good ideas were not circulating well in Italy, not only concepts and projects taking place in other parts of the world but even on leading edge developments in Italy itself. His professional training is in the health field, which brought him early to the idea of healthy transport, namely bicycles, public transport and . . . shoes. As editor his job is to select and adapt articles from World Streets and international media to create a network of support for all those working on challenging issues of sustainable transport throughout Italy. In the first months, the vast majority of the content came from foreign sources. But the goal is to begin to give increasing weight to Italian content, up to at least one third of the total. --> [more]
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Anzir Boodoo, Academic/Activist/Transport Dietician, Leeds, UK
Anzir is a transport activist involved in a number of projects and programmes connecting people, space and mobility. His PhD work at the Institute for Transport Studies is on therelationships between urban form and perception, and in addition to this he works as a Policy Officer for the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (UK), on the committee of Carfree UK and his activism includes work on public space, time banking and transition to low(er) carbon intensive living. His is a member of the steering group for a program on time sharing & banking, and is working on public space activism with make-Pla(y)ce, a local group which is challenging the privatisation of public space. He is working on the side on a series of presentation on "car diets" and "road diets", both of which have a substantial sharing component and are aimed at easing the process of transition to new and more agreeable life styles. --> [more]
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Jan Borghuis, Carshare innovator, Greenwheels, Netherlands
"Over 100 years ago, the car was introduced into society and in cities. Steadily our, cities were adapted to cars. In historical city centres, a major part hasbeen sacrificed to build motorways and parking lots. Through our vision we aim to reduce the degree in which people sacrifice city space in order to use cars. Instead, we facilitate people to use cars in a way that is compatible with the city." Jan is one of the two Green-wheels founders who liked the concept but were sure it could be improved upon with the help of modern ICT applications such as on-board computers, chip cards and mobile telephony. They put their first 3 cars on the Rotterdam roads in June 1995. Helped by a partnership with Dutch Railways, their success lead them to take over StattAuto in 2004 and Shell Drive Deutschland in 2006. They now operate in 80 Dutch and 20 German cities. --> [more]
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Wendy E. Brawer, Open Planner, Green Map Systems, New York, NY, USA
Designer, social communication specialist and public educator. Focused on sustainable design since 1989, Wendy created an original map of New York's nature,>culture and green living resources in 1992. A pioneer in internet-based collaboration, she has led the development of the global Green Map System, its acclaimed universal iconography, adaptable tools, inclusive methodology and locally-led global network since 1995. Now in 600 diverse cities in 55 countries, the NGO's most recent innovation is the interactive Open Green Map, as seen at An everyday cyclist whose work has been recognized by local and international bodies, Wendy has participated in numerous citizen-based transportation planning and assessment projects, starting with the class she co-taught on alternatives in the 1990's at Cooper Union and Parsons School of Design. She is currently on the Time's Up! advisory and the Manhattan Borough President's Go Green Transportation committee, and takes part in open planning and other mobility related projects. Sample Green Map here: Dali, China. --> [more]
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Eric Britton, New Mobility Agenda/World Streets. Paris, France
Trained as a development economist, Eric Britton is Managing Director of EcoPlan International, anindependent advisory group specializing in providing counsel for government and business on policy and decision issues involving social-technical innovation and sustainable development. Founder of the New Mobility Agenda (1988) and Managing Editor of World Streets (2009), the planet's only international sustainable transport daily. As part of his problem-solving approach he has created a nesting of collaborative programs which network several thousand experts and concerned citizens in more than fifty countries to exchange information and support on specific areas of sustainable transport, technology and public policy. Eric served as chair of the Stockholm Partnerships for Sustainable Cities. In recent years his work has concentrated increasingly on the vital transport/climate/social justice link, and he has concluded that the most powerful means to achieve better and more sustainable transport is to master the fine art of sharing, the largely unexplored third way of getting around in cities. Video on sharing: --> [more]
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Lester R. Brown. President of Earth Policy Institute. Washington, D.C. USA
Lester R. Brown, described as "one of the world's mostinfluential thinkers" by the Washington Post, is Founder and President of Earth Policy Institute, a non-profit environmental research organization based in Washington, D.C. During a career that started with tomato farming, Brown has been awarded 24 honorary degrees and has authored or coauthored over 50 books. One of the world's most widely published authors, his books have appeared in some 40 languages. His most recent book is entitled Plan B 4.0: Mobilizing to Save Civilization. He is a MacArthur Fellow and the recipient of many prizes and awards. In 1985 the Library of Congress requested his personal papers noting that his writings and work had "already strongly affected thinking about problems of world population and resources." --> [More]
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Charina Cabrido. Environmental researcher, writer. Kathmandu, Nepal
Charina is an environmental researcher, a writer and a cycling advocate who is working for sustainable urban transport inKathmandu, Nepal. She is currently associated with the Clean Air Initiatives for Asian Cities, an organization that is active in 8 country networks and over 170 organizational members to promote and demonstrate innovative ways to improve the air quality in Asian cities through partnerships and sharing experiences. Charina currently leads the Walkability Index Survey in Kathmandu to promote improvements in pedestrianisation infrastructures and services. She is also active in developing mass education, awareness and media campaign related to Air Quality Management issues in Nepal through the Clean Air Network Nepal. --> [More]
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Megan Carr, Livable Communities Consultant, Milwaukee, WI US
Megan is a Livable Communities Consultant revitalizing communities through civic engagementapproach starts with the promotion of strong transit, bike and pedestrian accommodations allowing communities to reclaim their streets as civic spaces and replace parking lots with parks and plazas. Megan has built a reputation growing coalitions finding and expanding common ground among various groups across Europe, Canada and the U.S. She specializes in the benefits of placemaking in transportation planning including considerations for Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED) and community workshops. She is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin ( BA in Communications), with a Masters in Design and Public Space at Elisava of the Universitat Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona, Spain.
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Jason S. K. Chang, Professor, National Taiwan University. Taipei, Taiwan
Professor of Civil Engineering in National Taiwan University, and Visiting Professor of the China Academy of Transport Sciences in Beijing. He has served as Executive Director of Transportation Institute in Taiwan, Chair of ITS AsiaPacific Forum, and Scientific Committee Member of the Eastern Asia Society for Transport Studies. Advisor to the Mayor and Taipei City Government since 1994, Dr. Chang has on numerous occasions served as advisor for promotion of sustainable urban and transportation development to international institutes and NGOs. In April 2006, he created a program to train representatives from more than 80 cities for the first Car Free Day activities in China. He served as Principal Investigator to the program "Green Transport for Chinese Cities" from 2000 to 2003, coordinating demonstration projects in more than fifteen cities. He is now hard at work on and widely sharing his green transport theory of BBMW (Bike + Bus + Metro + Walk) in many cities across Asia. --> [More]
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Robin Chase, Transportation/technology innovation. Boston USA
Robin Chase leads Meadow Networks, a consulting firm that advises city, state, and federal government agencies about wireless applications in the transport sector, and impacts oninnovation and economic development. Robin is founder and former CEO of GoLoco, an online ridesharing community, and Zipcar, the world's largest carsharing company. She is on the Board of the World Resources Institute, as well as the transportation working group for the World Economic Forum. She has served on the Massachusetts Governor's Transportation Transition Working Group, and Boston Mayor's Wireless Task Force. She has received many awards for her work, including Time 100 Most Influential People, Fast Company Fast 50 Innovators, and Business Week Top 10 Designers. Robin graduated from Wellesley College and MIT's Sloan School of Management, and was a Harvard University Loeb Fellow. --> [more]
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Lewis Chen. Developing carsharing in Asia. Singapore.
Lewis Chen has been active in promoting the concept of carsharing in Asia. He became the General Manager for NTUC Income Car Co-Op in 2002. He grew thebusiness from 17 locations to 77 with nearly 200 cars in 3 years and at same time maintained a healthy bottom line to build a viable service. He also helped to lead the growth of the Singapore carsharing market together with 3 other carsharing operators where the membership has grown by 5 times from 2002 to 2005. He is now the General Manager of INVERS Asia, where he is helping interested parties in Asian cities to setup and introduce car-sharing service to their community. He is now working on carsharing projects in China, Taiwan, Korea and Japan. From experience the road ahead can be challenging but it can be both fulfilling and rewarding. He believes in sharing as it helps to foster better resource utilisation and it empowers the society to build sustainable growth. --> [more]
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City of Stuttgart/Cities for Mobility. Stuttgart, Germany.
We are pleased to welcome the Cities for Mobility team under the international sharing program created in 2006 by Dr. Wolfgang Schuster, Mayor of Stuttgart. Cities forMobility is a specialised global network coordinated by a secretariat in the City of Stuttgart and promotes transnational cooperation between local governments, transportation companies, businesses, science and the civil society, with the aim of supporting the development of sustainable and efficient transport systems in the member cities around the world. Today, around 500 members from more than 70 countries all over the world participate in "Cities for Mobility" whose newsletters and events will be giving greater attention to the phenomenon of sharing in transport, as one of the responses necessary to move toward more sustainable and more livable cities. Their next annual conference will take place in Stuttgart in June 2010. --> [more]
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Ali Clabburn, Founder Managing Director of liftshare, Social Entrepreneur, UK
Ali has spent the last 10 years dedicated to helping communities to travel more sustainably.
In 1998 whilst in his final year at University, 2 weeks before Google was born, he set up - a clever website which helps people find others travelling the same way as them so they can share their journey. What started in a university bedsit has grown steadily and now he and his team of 20 run the UK's national network of over 600 liftshare schemes for communities and businesses. Membership hit 300,000 in 2009. Liftshare currently saves 40,000 car journeys a day. He is sure that if we make better use of what we have by sharing then we can make huge reductions in the re-sources we need. Ali and his team have been awarded the Queen's Award for Innovation through Technology, Business Commitment to the Environment Award 2007, Business in the Community National Award for Excellence, Essence of the Entrepreneur Award and the Young Entrepreneur of the Year Award.
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Anwar Fazal, Social Activist, Right Livelihood College, Penang, Malaysia
Professor Fazal is Director of the Right Livelihood College, University Sains Malaysia, Chairperson of the Malaysian Interfaith Network and The Taiping PeaceInitiative. He has been a teacher of economics and worked many years with the City of George Town (a UNESCO World Heritage Site) and the United Nations on the burning issues of urban governance, including public transportation, in Asia and the Pacific. A social activist, he is a multiplier and accelerator of ideas and movements, with a passion for pioneering global citizen's networks on public interest issues affecting social justice and peace - peace with oneself, peace with others and peace with the planet. Anwar has been awarded the Right Livelihood Award (popularly known as the "Alternative Nobel Prize"), the UNEP Global 500 honor, Mother Earth Hall of Fame and the Gandhi-King-Ikeda Community Builders Peace Award. --> [more]
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Gary Forster, Transaid Africa, Nigeria
Gary Forster, a former logistician at Procter and Gamble, and a Logistics MSc. student, is currently the Head of Programmes for Transaid and is committed to seeing moreefficient utilization of the existing transport resources on this planet. Transaid is an international development charity that seeks to reduce poverty and improve quality of life through providing better access to basic services such as health, education and economic opportunities in Africa and the developing world. We do this by building local skills and knowledge to make transport safer, cheaper and more effective. Much of Transaid's work concerns the effective and efficient management of large fleets such as those used by Ministries of Health; the aim is to see fewer vehicles doing more. During Transaid's work in the Department of Health in South Africa fleet reductions of up to 60% were experienced without harming service delivery. --> [more]
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Katherine Freund. Independent Transportation Network, USA
Founder of the Independent Transportation Network (ITN), and founder and President of ITNAmerica, Katherine has an MA in Public Policyfrom the Edmund S. Muskie School of Public Service and a BA in English Literature from the State University of New York at Buffalo. She served on the Advisory Committee for the 2005 White House Conference on Aging, as a National Transit Institute Fellow and for nine years on the Transportation Research Board's Committee on the Safe Mobility of Seniors. She Chairs TRB's Joint Subcommittee on Transportation Options for Seniors, and sits on the TRB Committee on Safe Mobility of Older Persons. Katherine received the 2006 Maxwell Pollack Award from the Gerontological Society of America, a 2006 award for Leadership in Innovative Enterprise Ideas from the Social Enterprise Alliance, the 2004 Archstone Award for Excellence in Program Innovation from the American Public Health Association, and the Giraffe Award for sticking her neck out for the common good. In 2009 Katherine was named as an AARP Inspire Award Honoree. --> [more]
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Sandeep Gandhi. India.
Sandeep Gandhi is an Architect by profession but a public transport and NMTinfrastructure expert by training. He has over twelve years experience for working in the field of BRT and NMT infrastructure planning and design. He has been associated with TRIPP, IIT Delhi, for research projects concerning transportation safety, public transport and NMT. This included the Bicycle Master Plan for Delhi and traffic calming on highways passing through towns and villages. . He has designed and implemented India's first fully functional dedicated bicycle tracks, and the first of its kindly completely barrier free pedestrian infrastructure along the BRTS corridor in Delhi. His recent projects include development of a 'Bicycle Infrastructure Design manual for the Indian Sub-continent and NMT infrastructure development DPR for the city of Durgapur.
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Jan Gehl, Gehl Architects - Urban Quality Consultants, Denmark
Jan, an internationally recognized urbanist, planner and world expert on public spaces, isnot only a daily cyclist but also lives in what is inarguably one of the world capitals of cycling. He and his colleagues have worked extensively to improve the conditions of cycling in many places, building on their extensive hands-on experience in their own city of Copenhagen and the other many places. Jan has an unusual quality relative to most of the people working in this area, and that is that he has consistently worked to discourage mayors and other city leaders to bring on city bike projects until such time that the infrastructure is in place for safe and effective cycling.
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Michael Glotz-Richter. Senior manager: Sustainable Mobility. Breman, Germany
Michael Glotz-Richter is senior project manager for 'sustainable mobility' for the City of Bremen - responsible for the involvement in International pilot projects onsustainable transport and environmentally friendly mobility. Key objectives of all these projects are the integration of lifestyle issues and urban development with transport issues. Car-Sharing is an important element of many projects - as in the European moses-project and the ongoing momo-project - both coordinated by Michael.
With these project activities, Bremen became a world-wide recognised city for sustainable transport strategies - especially around Car-Sharing. Bremen is one of three selected showcases of sustainable mobility to be presented on the World Exhibition 2010 in Shanghai - which has with the theme "Better Cities - Better Life" the focus on sustainable urban development.
Michael lectures at the Bremen University of Applied Science and is involved in several international networks on sustainable mobility. --> [more]Back to top
Ken Greenberg. Urban Design and Architecture. Toronto, Canada
Ken Greenberg is an architect, urban designer, teacher, writer, former Director of UrbanDesign and Architecture for the City of Toronto and Principal of Greenberg Consultants. For over three decades he has played a pivotal role on public and private assignments in urban settings throughout North America and Europe, focusing on the rejuvenation of downtowns, waterfronts, neighborhoods and new community planning. Cities across North America have benefited from his advocacy and passion for restoring the vitality, relevance and sustainability of the public realm in urban life. Much of his work involves managing the transition from auto dependence and high energy use to more sustainable futures. In each city, with each project, his strategic, consensus-building approach has led to coordinated planning and a renewed focus on urban design. He is the recipient of the 2010 American Institute of Architects Thomas Jefferson Award for public design excellence and is currently working on a book on cities with Random House - Walking Home: The Life and Lessons of a City Builder. -> [more]
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Dieter A. Hagenbach. architect, publisher, media consultant. Basel CH
Dieter A. Hagenbach is an architect, publisher, cultural event manager, media consultant and publicist. After studying architecture andcultural adaptation in Germany, the UK and India (Eastern Assam, Delhi, Jaipur and Varanasi), returned to Basel as Founder and director of Sphinx Publishing Company and the German edition of the Brain-Mind Bulletin. Founded the international literary agency Gaia Media AG in Basel, today Hagenbach & Bender GmbH agency in Bern. President of Gaia Media Foundation in Basel since 1993. Committed to the communication and networking of information about a holistic and up to date understanding of our existence, and the potential of human consciousness. "After being involved in town-planning during my early studies, I'm confronted ever since with the issue of how to reach the highest quality of living and working in towns and urban agglomerations, and subsequently how to minimize private car intrusions and how to organize and optimize public transport." --> [more]
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Ben Hamilton-Baillie. Architect, urban designer, movement specialist, Bristol, UK
Ben Hamilton-Baillie is an architect, urban designer and movement specialist. His work on sharedspace and the factors that promote civility has helped transform established assumptions and practice surrounding traffic engineering, speed and safety. As director of Hamilton-Baillie Associates, he provides consultancy advice on traffic and urban renewal for local authorities, government agencies, developers, and community groups. He has researched and promoted fresh approaches to traffic management and street design, exploring new ideas for reconciling the relationship between people, places and vehicles. He is an advisor to the Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment (CABE) and to English Heritage and served on the European "Shared Space" research project. He is a visiting lecturer at the Universities of Bath and the West of England. --> [more]
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Faizan Jawed. Architect-researcher-activist. India
Faizan is a young architect-researcher-activist interested in sustainable, equitabledevelopment in the Global South. He was awarded the 2008 RIBA Norman Foster Traveling Scholarship, which enabled him to travel across 12 countries researching the "Role that Public Transport & Carbon Neutral Mobility in Shaping Sustainable Humane Habitats". He photographed and co-directed a documentary film "Just Wheels" on the theme. Faizan works with transport research and consultancy firm - iTrans Ltd - at the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi. He also works with the Institute for Democracy and Sustainability - an NGO in Delhi that works on links between transport, livelihood and sustainability. He is an active member of National Cyclists Union, India and also Steering Committee Member of the World Carfree Network. Currently, he is researching informal shared transit in India. He believes shared transport should be future urban transport.
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Gail Jennings, founder/editor of Mobility magazine, Cape Town South Africa
Gail Jennings is a risk addict and logistics expert - the attributes currently required of bicycle commuters and shared-transport users in Cape Town. In-between, she is a streetsactivist, writer, researcher and founder/editor of Mobility magazine, an independent, quarterly publication for decision- and policy-makers in southern Africa. "In the developing world, as anywhere, mobility is a human rights issue: the struggle for mobility rights in our country is at the heart of all the other rights in our constitution, as without mobility we are not able to access all our other rights. As the only pro-sustainability transport magazine in South Africa, we focus on public planning, shared and public transport, safer roads, vulnerable road users, and the democratic use of road and other public space." Gail is currently engaged in doctoral research into the stories of social movements and their role, campaigning for improved access and mobility, particularly around shared spaces and shared transport. --> [more]
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Fred Kent. President, Project for Public Spaces, New York City USA
Fred is a leading international authority on revitalizing city spaces and one of the foremost thinkers in livability, smartgrowth and the future of the city. He studied with Margaret Mead and worked with William H. Whyte on the Street Life Project, assisting in observations and film analysis of corporate plazas, urban streets, parks and other open spaces in New York City. The research resulted in the now classic 'The Social Life of Small Urban Spaces'. Since 1975, the group he founded, Project for Public Spaces, have worked in more than 2,500 communities in 40 countries around the world, helping people turn their public spaces into vital community places, with programs, uses, and people-friendly settings that build local value and serve community needs. And by definition all those spaces, which include streets and their lively borders, are shared spaces. --> [more]
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Susan Lin. Project Leader, reporter, editor, manager. Taipei Taiwan
Susan Lin is President of Mega Trans International Corporation.Susan was Deputy Director of the Taipei Children's Transportation Museum and, prior to that, she was a veteran business news reporter and newspaper editor for the China Times and Independence Daily in Taipei, where she was a particularly influential press reporter for the motor vehicle manufacturing industry. Today, besides running Mega Trans, she also volunteers as Advisor to the Motorcycle Safety Association of Taiwan. Susan hopes to bring CarSharing to the Taiwan Market in the near future.
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Todd Litman, Victoria Transport Policy Institute, Canada
Todd has been studying, writing about, and providing professional counsel in the field oftransportation planning and policy for his entire professional career. He is founder and executive director of the Victoria Transport Policy Institute, an independent research organization dedicated to developing innovative solutions to transport problems. His work helps to expand the range of impacts and options considered in transportation decision-making, improve evaluation methods, and make specialized technical concepts accessible to a larger audience. Todd has been an active participant in the move to support and improve the position of non-motorized transport in our cities, worldwide. In addition to technical writing, he has co-authored two travel books (Washington; Off the Beaten Path and Best Bike Rides in the Pacific Northwest) with his wife, Suzanne Kort
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Ze Lobo, Active Transport, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Ze Lobo is a long time urban cycling promoter involved in many projects and activities to bring bicycle to the agendas since last century. Is the Managing Director andfounder of the non-profit organization, two time winner of the Best BIke Promoting Campaigns National Prize, Transporte Ativo (Active Transport) from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Activist in Transport and Urban Mobility is a Member of Rio de Janeiro government urban-cycling workgroup where he works as a liaison between city administration and bicycle users, bringing ideas from all over the world to local planners that has became out of paper like the 30 Km speed limit zone in 34 streets in Copacabana that started in september 22, 2009.The main objective is to improve the quality of infrastructure for cyclists and pedestrians and their connections with public transport, making the city less dependent on the private car and consequently a better quality of life. --> [more]
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Alice Maynard, future inclusion. Milton Keynes, UK
Alice Maynard, founder and managing director, is a well-respected consultant and adviser on inclusive practice. She has worked at senior level in multi-national companies, publicsector bodies, private sector businesses, the voluntary sector and academic institutions. Her capacity for 'big picture thinking' means she unravels complexity and presents it clearly to non-specialists. As a communicator, she builds bridges between an organization and its stakeholders, enabling the organization itself to deliver the change it needs. Her work covers international project management, high performance teamwork and turning strategy into workable practice. Past clients include major retailers, global banks, major transport bodies, district councils, international charities and universities. She has written: "When inclusive practice becomes part of mainstream practice within an organisation the resulting gains in understanding and accord between the various stakeholders are a powerful force for change." -->[more]
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Rory McMullan, Sustainable Transport Campaigner, London UK
Business Manager at PTRC, Rory is responsible for managing communications, events and training programs for ACT TravelWise,, a membership association with over 400 corporate members promoting good practice in travel behaviour change programmes. Previous to joining PTRC he worked in the bicycle business, and while based in Taiwan, the global home of the bicycle industry, he organised a variety of sustainable transport campaigns. He currently serves on the steering committee for several voluntary organisations including; Carfree UK, Urban Green Fair, Bike Week, and is the serving European Mobility Week Coordinator for the UK. Rory sees sharing as a common element of many sustainable travel campaigns, be it information, space, or vehicles; and is therefore excited to see the development of a theory for organising transport based on this most fundamental of values. --> [more]
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Paul Minett, Co-Founder and CEO, Trip Convergence Ltd, Auckland, New Zealand
Paul is co-founder of Trip Convergence Ltd, and co-inventor of flexible carpooling. Invented without knowledge of the slug-lines, flexible carpooling can best be described asa formalisation of that unique method of carpool formation found in Washington D.C. and the San Francisco Bay Area (also known as "casual carpooling"). Arguing that for more carpooling we need meeting places rather than databases, Paul has been making steady progress towards testing of this alternative mode. A recent report by the UC Davis Energy Efficiency Center estimated the energy saving potential and explored barriers to implementation. He is currently carrying out a feasibility study of flexible carpooling to transit stations in Seattle WA, and is expecting a Washington State Department of Transportation call for projects to implement a flexible carpooling pilot project in Seattle during 2010. --> [more]
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Dinesh Mohan, mobility and safety of people outside cars, New Delhi, India
Dinesh Mohan is Professor for Biomechanics and Transportation Safety and Co-ordinator of the Transportation Research and Injury Prevention Programme atthe Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi. He obtained his BTech in Mechanical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, followed by a Masters degree in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering from the University of Delaware and then a PhD in Biomechanics from the University of Michigan. He started his research career working on mechanical properties of human aortic tissue. This was followed by work on injuries and injury tolerance, effectiveness of helmets, child seats and the first evaluation of airbags in real world crashes. Concerned with mobility and safety of people outside the car he is trying to integrate these issues within a broader framework of sustainable transport policies, urban transport options and people's right to access and safety as a fundamental human right. Recipient of: Distinguished Alumnus Award of Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, the American Public Health Association International Distinguished Career Award. --> [more]
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Mikel Murga, Center of Transportation and Logistics, USA & Spain
As President and CEO of Leber Planificación e Ingeniería in Bilbao since 1988, Mikel leadsthe international transportation planning and traffic engineering activities of the firm, with strong background in computer modeling and systems engineering. The scope of services ranges from strategic advice on public transportation policies or road networks to detailed traffic or transit proposals. This competence is critical for planning new city bike projects. His work has received several awards for the transformation of several cities through a comprehensive approach involving proposals for new traffic, transit, bike and walk access, parking and public spaces policies. Mikel is a Research Associate and Lecturer of the Center of Transportation and Logistics at Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge, MA.
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Peter Muheim, Mobility management, Switzerland
Peter Muheim has 20 years of hands-on experience in successfully planning, managing and developing car sharing services. He was starting in 1990 as acommittee member of the fist CarSharing Cooperative in Switzerland, in 1997 Peter becomes vice chairman of Mobility CarSharing Switzerland, in 2001 he switched into operations as COO and in 2004 Peter becomes CEO of Mobility International Inc., a Mobility subsidiary that helps clients in other countries to establish their own car sharing services. Since 2008 Muheim is working as an independent expert for car sharing companies to support them in strategic questions and to optimize their operation. He also consults companies and city authorities in managing their mobility impacts into a more sustainable direction and how to integrate and to support car sharing activities. --> [more]
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Peter Newman, Professor of Sustainability, Curtin University. Perth, Australia
For 30 years since he attended Stanford University during the first oil crisis Peter has been warning cities about preparing for peak oil. His book with JeffKenworthy 'Sustainability and Cities: Overcoming Automobile Dependence' was launched in the White House in 1999. He invented the term 'automobile dependence' to de-scribe how we have created cities where we have to drive everywhere. In 2001-3 Peter directed the Western Australia's Sustainability Strategy in the Department of the Premier, the first state sustainability strategy in the world. In 2004-5 he was Sustainability Commissioner in Sydney. In 2006/7 he was a Fulbright Scholar at the University of Virginia where he co-authored 'Resilient Cities: Responding to Peak Oil and Climate Change' and 'Green Urbanism Down Under'. He was a Local Government Councillor in the City of Fremantle from 1976-80, and is a Board Member of Infrastructure Australia that is funding infrastructure for the long term sustainability of Australian cities. --> [more]
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Pascal J.W. van den Noort, Executive Director Velo Mondial. Amsterdam
Pascal is a conceptual thinker and confirmed sustainability activist with broad experience in setting up (inter)national and global organizations, projects, conferences and events.
After 15 years spent in the field of HIV/AIDS, he was Founder of the Dutch Aids Foundation and of the Global Network of PeopleLiving with HIV/AIDS. Pascal is a crusader for just causes, and in the world of cycling advocacy and support is member of the Executive Boards of Velo Mondial & Velo.Info / Spicycles and on the Advisory Board of the World Carfree Network. As Executive Director Velo Mondial he is involved in setting up research projects that promote sustainable urban development at a wider level, making information for sustainability better available. Recently Pascal co-founded 'Amsterdam Cycling to Sustainability' and the 'Amsterdam International Academy for Sustainable Mobility', trying to gather and share as much information on sustainable mobility with anybody interested. .
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Catherine O'Brien, Sustainable happiness. Cape Breton University, Canada
Catherine O'Brien has been actively engaged in sustainability efforts locally, nationally and internationally for more than 20 years. For the past decade she has been leading effortsin Canada to create child and youth friendly communities and Catherine is currently developing child and youth friendly land use and transport planning friendly guidelines for every Canadian province. She co-authored the Ontario guidelines which have been endorsed by the Ontario Professional Planners Institute. More recently, she has been exploring how sustainability and happiness studies can contribute to a more sustainable future. Catherine is an education professor at Cape Breton University where she developed the first university course in the world on sustainable happiness! Articles on sustainable happiness can be found at Catherine lives in Sydney, Nova Scotia with her husband, two teenage children, a dog, a cat, and a turtle. --> [more]
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Pallavi Pant, Sustainabilty activist, India
Pallavi Pant holds a Bachelor's Degree in Botany from Delhi University and an M.Sc. in Environmental Studies from TERI University, India. She worked with the Central Road ResearchInstitute (CRRI), New Delhi on developing an air quality model for the city of Delhi. She was a research intern for a Government of NCT of Delhi project on energy and environment impact assessment for transportation systems in the city. The focus of her Master's thesis was Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD) and she analyzed the opportunities and challenges for REDD in India. During her Masters programme, she also developed TERI University's Environmental Management Plan with a group of students and recently, she helped establish the Sustainability Cell in the university. She has done internships at WWF-India, LEAD-India and ClimateLab. She lives in New Delhi, India with her family and in her free time likes to read, cook, learn new languages and write poetry. --> [more]
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Gil (Guillermo) Penalosa, Walk & Bike for Life , Colombia & Canada
Gil is Executive Director of the Canada based non-profit Walk & Bike for Life, and a international speaker and consultant.As Commissioner of Parks, Sport and Recreation for Bogotá, he led his team to design and build over 200 parks, as well as to open 91 kilometers of car-free city roads on Sundays, Ciclovia, where over 1.5 m. people come out weekly to walk, run, skate and bike. He also works as Senior Associate with NYC's Project for Public Spaces, and serves as Senior Consultant for the renowned Danish firm Gehl Architects. He serves on the Boards of Directors of American Trails and City Parks Alliance, and has advised cycling, walking and public space projects across North and Latin America. Gil lives with his wife and their three children in Ontario. --> [more]
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Paolo Pezzotta, Integrated Transport Planning,Chester Heights, PA USA
Paolo Pezzotta has been helping public and private sector organizations to finance and deliver innovative transport solutions to urban and regional mobility, access, environment anddevelopment issues for years. He has led teams in developing advancements in environmental compliance, transit funding, employee transit benefits, ridesharing, and BRT systems within financially viable development strategies. He has been responsible for management of design, development and implementation of environmental-compliance programs for regional, transport systems which have used offset-trading markets structured around mobile and stationary sources and other leading-edge compliance strategies. These projects have often been built around multi-organizational, cooperative frameworks. In managing these systems-development and organizational-development processes, he has built in risk reduction through inclusion of adaptive facility/enterprise design and market development. Integrated Transport Planning is currently helping clients implement developmentally-integrated, market-financed, BRT/HOV networks together with their management systems.. --> [more]
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David Ta-Wei Poo. Sustainable transport for city leaders & engineers. Taiwan
David Poo is Chairman of Mega Trans International Corporation, a company founded to create transit oriented development (TOD)projects. David has worked extensively in the Greater China region and Asia as a transport consultant. He is better known in Taiwan as the former Director General of Taipei's Department of Transportation, where he initiated a net-work of exclusive bus lanes that greatly alleviated travel congestion in Taipei some 15 years ago. A life-long proponent for pedestrian and transit priority in our cities, David continues to work on bringing sustainable transport concepts to the attention of city leaders and planning and engineering professionals. As a firm believer of creating win/win solutions, he is also working on the creation of business models that will allow for-profit businesses to have greater participation in sustainable transport development. --> [more]
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Elizabeth Press, StreetFilms/Livable Streets videographer, New York City USA
Elizabeth Press is a media maker. Since 2007 she has been documenting the livable streets movement in New York City as avideographer for the online vlog As part of Streetfilms advocacy, Elizabeth has traveled to make videos that demon-strate best practices for better biking, walking and mass transit. From Paris, France she produced a video showing how bike share works and Curitiba, Brazil, Bus Rapid Transit. Elizabeth received her MFA in Electronic Arts at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute with a focus in community media. She produced for the independent TV/Radio program, Democracy Now, edited for Worldfocus on PBS, freelanced for Grit TV with Laura Flanders and taught a video production and community activism class at New York University. Her videos have screened in festivals all over the world, including a grassroots organized tour with her documentary, "Still We Ride". Sample video: Happy Birthday Velib. --> [more]
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Gordon Price, City Program, Simon Fraser University, Canada
Gordon is Director of the City Program at Simon Fraser University, and sits on the Boardsof The Sightline Institute and the International Centre for Sustainable Cities.
He served five terms as Councillor for the City of Vancouver, as well as on the board of the Greater Vancouver Regional District and TransLink. Also an Adjunct Professor at the University of British Columbia for the School of Community and Regional Planning, Gordon speaks on urban issues and the development of Vancouver in cities around the world. He is also an enthusiastic photographer, and has been documenting Vancouver and other cities since the early 1980s. He also publishes an electronic magazine called Price Tags (For the latest issue click here.) Gordon gets around Vancouver by bikeBack to top
Danijel Rebolj, Rector and Professor, University of Maribor, Slovenia
Danijel is co-founder of the Maribor Cyclists' Network, a local NGO striving for sustainable transportation and higher quality of living in Slovenia and throughoutEurope. In his day job he is Professor of Construction and Transportation informatics at the University of Maribor, currently visiting professor at Stanford University and the University of Novi Sad. Interested in digital models of buildings and building processes and lately in building from nano-to-meter scale using bionanorobots. from a technical perspective his work keys on the integration of new informatics technologies and applications to transport planning and management, while from a community perspective his work involves organizing and leading public interest groups to support needed sustainability implementations, such as shared bikes, carsharing and other more environmentally effective uses of public space and resources. --> [more]
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Karthik Rao Cavale. City and Regional Planning. USA/India
"I'm a lapsed engineer from India who found that making cars was not as much funas getting rid of them. This discovery brought me to Rutgers University, where I am currently doing my masters in City and Regional Planning and assisting Voorhees Transportation Center in its research. I spend my free time listening to Indian Classical Music, playing bridge or reading one of Jane Austen's novels for the millionth time." Karthik organizes (some of) his thoughts on the blog "India lives in her cities too!" at He is not able to attend the conference this year but has taken a rain-check and in the meantime is submitting at least one article and reflection on sharing in transport, including on India's streets.)
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Antonia Roberts, Director of Carplus, London UK
Antonia Roberts is Director of Carplus. She has played an integral role in the development of the charity since its inception in 2000. Antonia takes a lead in thedissemination of best practise of car clubs and car sharing within the organisation. Currently this involves leading programmes of work for the DfT and TfL whilst managing research work for local authorities across the UK. Antonia set up the Car Club Accreditation Scheme which encompasses a comprehensive data collection and survey system for the industry. She has also directed: the production of online guidance, regular knowledge sharing seminars for officers, a public facing website with comprehensive bay data and the creation of a set of generic branded marketing materials. --> [more]
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Alon Rozen. Education and sharing with youth. Paris France and Tel Aviv Israel
Alon is an independent strategy consultant, a visiting professor of marketing, entrepreneurship and finance, and is presently studying the effects of globalization on Frenchindustry. Especially interested in "how things fit together", Alon has been working actively with World Streets and The Commons over the last 15 years - notably to further the understanding of how technology affects the way people work and live, and what potential it has to improve the quality of our lives. As a 'facilitator of learning' for many talented students from around the world who are showing active interest in sustainable development and taking care of our planet, Alon believes we are on the right track but we need to share with the new generation the underpinnings of a proper (but malleable) framework to help them help the planet. Sharing our understandings, pooling our experiences and working together to create collective intelligence - while avoiding groupthink - appears key. --> [more]
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Per Schillander. Swedish Transportation Administration. Sweden
Per Schillander: Master of science, 30 years of experiences in different tasks inenvironment and transport areas. Employed by the Swedish road administration since 1998, as a small part national expert on car sharing. All year cyclist (southern Sweden). Big lover of music, sailing, wildlife etc. A never-resting improver of house, garden, mind and society.
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Luud Schimmelpennink. Industrial designer, Social Innovator, Politician. NL
Dutch social inventor, industrial designer, entrepreneur and politician, since the mid 1960s Luud Schimmelpennink has been active in creating new low-carbonproducts and projects, with special focus on sustainable transportation concepts. His work aims to both reducing the number of conventional motor cars in urban areas for environmental and public health reasons, and provide people with viable alternative means of getting around in the city. Luud is the person who set the pattern for free (shared) city bike projects in Amsterdam back in the sixties. And if most of his original White Bicycles eventually disappeared, his example blazed the way to more work and thought, bringing us to where we are today. In 2006 he was elected again to the Amsterdam Municipal Council, and is currently working on a new WitKar-type project for Amsterdam as well as continuing to promote community cycles in Amsterdam and elsewhere. Luud is Managing Director of the Ytech Innovation Centre in Amsterdam. --> [more]
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Lee Schipper. Project Scientist for Global Metropolitan StudiesUSA
Dr. Schipper, the founder of EMBARQ, is currently Project Scientist for GlobalMetropolitan Studies at the University of California, Berkeley, and Senior Research Engineer for the Precourt Energy Efficiency Center at Stanford University. He has worked as a guest researcher at the OECD Development Centre, Paris, and as a transport adviser to the Shell Foundation. From 1995 until 2001, Dr. Schipper served as a senior scientist at the International Energy Agency (IEA), Paris, on leave from his post as a staff senior scientist at the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory (LBL), CA. In addition to his academic and policy interests, Lee also leads a peripetetic jazz quintet, and recorded “The Phunky Physicist” in Sweden. He is available for bookings.
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Susan Shaheen, Transportation Sustainability Research Center Berkeley, USA
Susan Shaheen became interested in carsharing in the mid-1990s and focused her dissertation on CarLink in the U.S. Over the last decade, she has written over 25reports and publications on carsharing in North America, Asia, and the world.. She has a Ph.D. in ecology from UC Davis. She is Chair of the Emerging and Innovative Public Transport Systems and Technology Committee of the Transportation Research Board (TRB) and served as the founding chair of the Carsharing TRB Subcommittee from 1999-2004. In 2007, she joined the Transportation Sustainability Research Center at UC Berkeley and is a co-director. She was named the first Honda Distinguished Scholar in Transportation at UC Davis in 2000. She also holds a joint research faculty appointment at UC Davis, where she serves as a co-director for the transportation track of the Energy Efficiency Center. --> [more]
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Leena Silfverberg. Helsinki City Planning Department, Finland
Leena Silfverberg, M.Sc. (Civ.Eng), leads the transport planning division in Helsinki's city planning department which is a good position to integrate land use and transport in localand regional level. Between 1999-2008 she served the Finnish Ministry of the Environment as a senior technical adviser responsible for sustainable transport and urban form development, dealing with issues of different scales from climate change mitigation and noise abatement to traffic calming and transport planning details. In her present post as a head of unit she warmly welcomes other cities´ experiences and knowledge about new mobility ideas and applications. Because the growth of transport is not an inevitable law of nature but a result of human choices, our duty as city planners is to offer people sustainable choices that nobody can resist. -> [More]
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Robert Stussi, Portugal and Switzerland
Robert is a senior consultant, researcher and activist in Transport and UrbanMobility. He received his B.Sc. in Civil Engineering, Major in Transportation Planning, in 1968 from the Swiss National Institute of Technology and his M.Sc. in Planning from University of British Columbia. Pro-active for soft modes, European Mobility Week, mobility management, carsharing, alternative vehicle technologies. Networking and EU project and expert activities. Working and teaching experience in several countries, and an active proponent of bike and carsharing for some years. "Glad to assist Eric in his as usual creative effort to get people together and things going, in bikesharing and elsewhere!"
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Christopher Sumpton, Environmentalist, filmmaker. Toronto, Canada
Christopher Allan Sumpton is an independent filmmaker who produces and directs documentaries concerned with social and environmental issues. Recently, he co-directed "Pedal Power", a film about the explosion in urban cycling inToronto, New York, Vancouver, Paris, Montreal and Amsterdam. A focus was public bicycle sharing programs and their success. In 2002, he led an international jury selecting best-practice sustainable development projects for inclusion in an on-line "Virtual Exhibit" at the World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg. He helped produce the live on-line program that broadcast interviews with world leaders during the Summit. His films have dealt with questions of treatment of the mentally ill, illegal immigration from the third world to the West; urban poverty; and natural history themes on the recovery of threatened species. Currently he is producing a film that looks at the stories of several people who survived and have transcended the horrors of Apartheid in South Africa. --> [More]
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Nite Tanzarn. Development Management Specialist. Kampala Uganda
Nite Tanzarn is an agricultural economist with specialist experience of economic and social aspects of thetransport sector. She has worked widely with government, non government, bilateral and multilateral agencies in Africa in general and Uganda, in particular. Key competencies include strategic planning; programme/project design, appraisal and evaluation; governance and organisational/institutional development; and gender analysis, gender responsive budgeting and gender training. Her work involves research activities which deal with different dimensions of transport and development. Her on-going research at Makerere University-Uganda permits her to pursue issues which she cares deeply about [such as fair transport] with the state-of-the-art knowledge. Her professional and personal interests include promoting equity in general, and gender justice in particular. She thinks a lot about the future of her three small children.
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Petra Todorovich, Director America 2050 USA. Brooklyn, New York, USA
Petra Todorovich is director of America 2050, a national urban planning initiative to develop an infrastructure plan and growth strategy for America in the 21st century.She oversees America 2050's research, advocacy, and planning, in partnership with the Regional Plan Association, Lincoln Institute of Land Policy and the Rockefeller Foundation. She oversees a research program on high-speed rail in America and is a frequent speaker on the topics of transportation policy, megaregions, and national planning. Todorovich has worked at Regional Plan Association, where America 2050 is based, since 2001. She received a B.A. from Vassar College and a Masters in City and Regional Planning from Rutgers University, and is presently an Assistant Visiting Professor at the Pratt Institute Graduate Center for Planning and the Environment and member of the Board of Advisors of the Eno Transportation Foundation. --> [More]
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Jane Voodikon. Concerned person and editor. Los Angeles and Chengdu, China.
Jane has advocated public transportation and the disowning of car culture for the past decade, when life in Los Angeles presented her with the choice of driving with debt orgetting on the bus. She chose the latter and as of 2004 has resided in China, where she co-founded and edits Chengdu's only English-language city magazine ( and website (, slipping in as many carfree pieces as a city magazine can tolerate. She shies away from the words "sustainable" and "green," although the color of some of Chengdu's buses are, in fact, green, as is her bicycle. --> [More]
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Milton Wang.Traffic Bureau, Kaohsiung City Government. Taiwan
Milton is an officer of Traffic Bureau, Kaohsiung City Government. He holds masterdegree in Transportation Management from National Chiao Tung University (2004). And he obtained a bachelor degree from Department of Civil Engineering of National Central University (2002). Milton has worked in Parking Management Center of Traffic Bureau since 2006. His major accountabilities include parking management, parking area outsourcing and making parking policy in urban area, etc. Previously , her was a production planner in optoelectronics industry (2004~2006). He is interested in bikesharing facility in Kaohsiung. Moreover, he is also a cycling advocate. Early this year, he cycled 1200 kilometers around Taiwan in only 8 days. To encourage more people to travel in Kaohsiung by mass transportation, he created a website introducing numerous ways of exploring Kaohsiung by MRT and public bike.
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Jay Walljasper. Author, editor and environmental activist. Minneapolis, USA
Jay Walljasper is a fellow and editor at On the, an organization devoted to restoring an appreciation of common purpose and common assets to contemporary life, and seniorfellow at Project for Public Spaces, a New York-based organization that helps citizens enliven their communities by improving public places. He is a Contributing Editor for National Geographic Traveler, reporting regularly on sustainable tourism initiatives and is also editor-at-large at Ode magazine. Walljasper is author of The Great Neighborhood Book (2007, New Society). He was editor of Utne Reader for fifteen years, during which time the magazine was nominated three times for a National Magazine Award for General Excellence. He is co-author of the book Visionaries (New Society, 2001). For many years he has explored fresh ideas from the fields of urban planning, sustainability, politics, travel, community development and culture about how to improve people's lives. --> [more]
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Dave Wetzel, Transforming Communities. The Politics of Transport, London UK
Dave's career includes London bus driver, trade union shop steward, editor of "Civil Aviation News", Executive directorof a transport disability charity, Vice-Chair of Trans-port for London, and for 17 years an elected local Councillor, positions held include Chair of Environmental Planning and Leader of a London Borough, and for 5 years Chair of Transport for the Greater London Council. His work has been largely devoted to the development of sustainable, affordable, accessible and reliable transport. This has involved improvements to public transport, walking and cycling plus the introduction of road pricing, road safety and travel demand management. Together with others, he has developed an implementation strategy for public services like transport to be efficiently, fairly and equitably financed through land values. Dave currently works as a policy consultant in transport and public services and is Chair of the Professional Land Reform Group and President of the Labour Land Campaign. --> [more]
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John Whitelegg. Sustainable transport teacher, activist & politician. Lancaster UK
Managing Director of Eco-Logica, John Whitelegg is Visiting Professor ofSustainable Transport at Liverpool John Moores University, Professor of Sustainable Development at the Stockholm Environment Institute, and founder and editor of the Journal of World Transport Policy and Practice. Research interests encompass transport and the environment, definition of sustainable transport systems and a sustainable built environment, development of transport in third world cities focusing on the relationships between sustainability and human health, implementation of environmental strategies within manufacturing and service industry and development of environmental management standards. He has published widely on these topics. John is active in the Green party of England and Wales and is the national spokesperson on sustainable development. He is obsessed with the number "20" and wants to chart a practical course that will deliver 20% of all trips every day by bicycle by 2020 in Uk cities and and implement a 20mph/30kph speed limit on every road in every urban area in the UK. As a green party politician, retiring as a city councillor in May 2011, he is proud of his role over 8 years in successfully bringing about a 20mph/30kph speed limit on all roads in all residential areas in Lancashire (UK) that will now benefit over 1 million people and give walking and cycling a long-awaited boost. Rather late in life John took a degree in law and now uses his legal qualification to take sustainable development objectives into the administrative-judicial realm --> [more]
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Roelof Wittink, Interface for Cycling Expertise, the Netherlands
Drs. Roelof Wittink is executive director of I-CE, Interface for Cycling Expertise. He is aspecialist on traffic behaviour with a Masters in Psychology. He has published on behavioural modifications, traffic education, attitudes on road behaviour, social marketing, and the benefits of cycling. He was the program manager of LOCOMOTIVES, (2003-2006) on low cost mobility initiatives by civil society organisations and is currently the manager of the Bicycle Partnership Program, (2007-2010) on cycling inclusive planning that operates in 15 developing countries. Key aspects are the application of expertise on the integration of cycling in a wide variety of local context and building partnerships between civil society organisations, governments, experts and the private sector.
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Michael Yeates, Brisbane, Australia
Michael's interests are in the design and management of urban areas, the interface withlocal governance, and community participation in planning. He trained as an architect, later adding post-grad degrees in Environmental Management/Science and in Environmental Education. He became increasingly active in public critical advocacy as "town planning" split into (i) a theoretical stream ("strategic planning", much of it ignored), while (ii) most "planning" was little more than developer-led "development control". Michael has represented cyclists, pedestrians and people with disabilities on various local, state and national committees, has published numerous conference papers and other public articles, and a chapter in "Planning for Cycling" (2002) .
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Hua Zhang, Lanzhou University, PR.China
Hua Zhang is a Ph.D candidate of Lanzhou University, China. While a doctoral candidate,she received a variety of awards, including the First Rank Scholarship of Lanzhou University, the National Second Class Scholarship of China, and the Outstanding Graduate Student Scholarship. She performed a two-year survey on informal carsharing in Beijing, China from 2005 to 2007, and published some papers on this topic. She conducted research as a visiting Doctoral student in the Sustainable Transportation Research Center (TSRC) in University of California, Berkeley from 2008 to September 2010. Her research at TSRC focuses primarily on bikesharing all over the world, especially attention was given to the world's biggest bikesharing system in Hangzhou, China. She will be participating in our Future Leaders/Young Researchers program, and will be making contributions in the carshare and bikeshare sessions.
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Susan Zielinski, Program director and sustainability activist. Ann Arbor MI, USA
Susan Zielinski is Managing Director of SMART, previous to which she spent a year as a Harvard Loeb Fellow focusing on New Mobility innovation and leadership. Priorto 2004, she co-founded and directed Moving the Economy (MTE), a Canada-wide "link tank" that works to catalyze and support sustainable urban transportation innovation as well as New Mobility industry development, an integrated industry approach. As a transport planner for the City of Toronto, she worked for over 15 years developing and leading transportation and liveability initiatives. She has advised on a range of local, national, and international initiatives, including Transport Canada's Sustainable Development Advisory Committee, the OECD's Environmentally Sustainable Transport (EST) Project, the Stockholm Partnerships for Sustainable Cities, and the European Conference of Ministers of Transport (ECMT). She was a long-time board member of Canada's Center for Sustainable Transportation and founding board member of the Green Tourism Association. --> [more]
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Nan Zou. Professor, Shandong University, China
University in China. He received his Doctoral degree from the University of Maryland,USA. In the past ten years, he has provided consulting and advisory services to the state and federal governments in United States on optimization of transportation management and safety improvement. In the recent years, he worked closely with the central, provincial and city municipal governments in China with focuses on bringing the concept of sustainable development to China and improving the service quality of public transportation systems. His works involve revising city transport plan, optimizing the development of public transportation system, as well as improving the efficiency of the public transportation system with advanced intelligent transportation systems and information technologies.
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