A significant key to sustainable transport resides in our land use. And what more important land use decision than where we chose to live, the place in which we start or end the lion's share of our personal travel each day? In this article our guest Todd Litman of the Victoria Transport Policy Institute sheds judicious light on claims and counter-claims of Smart Growth, as true in Delhi, Moscow or Cape Town as in North America.
Home Location Preferences And Their Implications For Smart Growth
Smart growth consists of more compact, accessible, multi-modal community development. This can provide numerous benefits to residents who live in such areas and society overall. Critics claim that most consumers dislike this type of community and so are harmed by public policies that encourage it. This analysis suggests otherwise.
Although market surveys indicate that most North American households preferred single-family homes, they also indicate strong and growing consumer preference for smart growth features such as accessibility and modal options (reflected as short commutes and convenient walkability to local services). Twenty years ago less than a third of households preferred smart growth, but this is projected to increase to two thirds of households within two decades.
This reflects various demographic and economic trends, including aging population, rising fuel prices, and increased health and environmental concerns. In addition, suburban lifestyles and automobile travel have become less glamorous. An increasing portion of consumers now aspire to urban lifestyles for at least part of their lifecycle, and the housing market correction in 2008 spoiled confidence in suburban real estate investments. Households are likely to be more rational and cautious in the future.
Described differently, for a few decades consumer housing and transportation decisions seemed to defy basic rules of economics. Housing location decisions seemed insensitive to transportation cost factors such as commute distance and fuel prices, resulting in dispersed housing and automobile-dependent lifestyles. Walking, cycling and public transit were dismissed as inferior and undesirable modes, even where they are efficient and cost effective. Increasing congestion, fuel prices, health and environmental concerns causes consumers to be more rational. Some embrace this opportunity while others react with fear.
This is not to suggest that automobile travel and suburban living will end. Under even aggressive smart growth policies most North Americans will continue to live in single-family houses, although a greater portion will be small-lot, attached housing such as townhouses.
However, the demand for new housing is likely to shift dramatically. The current stock of large-lot, single-family houses in exurban locations currently exceeds demand, causing prices to plummet and foreclosures to rise. At best, it will take years for such homes to regain their 2005 market value (in real, inflation-adjusted terms). More likely, consumer demand for such housing will never fully recover.
On the other hand, the market for small-lot, attached housing in accessible, multi-modal communities is strong. Such housing has maintained its value and demand is projected to increase significantly in the future due to structural demographic and economic trends. Communities and developers that respond to these market shifts can succeed. Those that continue past policies are likely to fare poorly.
This is good news overall since more compact, accessible, multi-modal housing can provide many benefits to consumers and society. It gives consumers better options and greater efficiency.
Smart growth residents benefit directly from time savings, financial savings, and increased safety and health. Society benefits from infrastructure cost savings, improved opportunity for disadvantaged populations, and improved environmental quality.
Claims that smart growth deprives consumers of preferred housing options are clearly inaccurate. Sprawl housing is now abundantly available at discounted prices, while smart growth housing is scarce in many regions, which drives up prices, making it unaffordable to the lower income households that need it most. Sprawl results, in part, from planning and market distortions that favor dispersed development and automobile travel.
There are many reasons to correct these distortions and support smart growth. Such reforms will result in land use development patterns that better reflect consumer preferences.
# # #* A complete report on this report is available from the VTPI at http://www.vtpi.org/sgcp.pdf (36 pp.)
Further reading:
Laurence Aurbach (2006), The Market for Mixed Use & Walkability, PedShed
Belden, Russonello and Stewart (2004) American Community Survey, National Association of Realtors (www.realtor.org) and Smart Growth America (www.smartgrowthamerica.org); at www.brspoll.com/Reports/Smart%20Growth.pdf.
David Berson, David Lereah, Paul Merski, Frank Nothaft, and David Seiders (2006), America’s Home Forecast: The Next Decade for Housing and Mortgage Finance, Homeownership Alliance (www.freddiemac.com); at www.freddiemac.com/news/pdf/americas_home_forecast.pdf.
Robert Burchell, et al (2002), The Costs of Sprawl – 2000, TCRP Report 74, TRB (www.trb.org); at http://onlinepubs.trb.org/Onlinepubs/tcrp/tcrp_rpt_74-a.pdf.
Robert Burchell, Anthony Downs, Barbara McCann and Sahan Mukherji (2005), Sprawl Costs: Economic Impacts of Unchecked Development, Island Press (www.islandpress.org).
Cambridge Systematics (2009), Moving Cooler: Transportation Strategies to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions (www.movingcooler.info); summary at http://commerce.uli.org/misc/movingcoolerexecsum.pdf.
Gerald Carlino, Satyajit Chatterjee, and Robert Hunt (2006), Urban Density and the Rate of Invention, WP 06-14, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia (www.philadelphiafed.org); at www.philadelphiafed.org/research-and-data/regional-economy/regionalresearch/ index.cfm?tab=3.
CDC (2005), Designing and Building Healthy Places, U.S. Center for Disease Control
Patrick M. Condon (2004), Canadian Cities American Cities: Our Differences Are the Same, Funders Network for Smart Growth and Livable Communities (www.fundersnetwork.org/usr_doc/Patrick_Condon_Primer.pdf).
Joe Cortright (2008), Driven to the Brink: How the Gas Price Spike Popped the Housing Bubble and Devalued the Suburbs, CEOs for Cities (www.ceosforcities.org); at
Wendell Cox (2001), Smart Growth: Retarding the Quality of Life, Demographia
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CTOD and CNT (2006), The Affordability Index: A New Tool for Measuring the True
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Reid Ewing (2007), “The Demand For Smart Growth: What Survey Research Tell Us,” Planning, American Planning Association; at www.smartgrowth.umd.edu/pdf/Research_Dec07.pdf.
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Transportation, Air Quality and Health in the Atlanta Region, SmartTraq (www.act-trans.ubc.ca) and Smart Growth America (www.smartgrowthamerica.org); at www.smartgrowthamerica.org/documents/SMARTRAQSummary_000.pdf.
Peter M. Haas, Carrie Makarewicz, Albert Benedict, Thomas W. Sanchez and Casey J. Dawkins (2006), Housing & Transportation Cost Trade-offs and Burdens of Working Households in 28 Metros, Center for Neighborhood Technology (www.cnt.org); at www.cnt.org/repository/H-TTradeoffs-for-Working-Families-n-28-Metros-FULL.pdf.
Susan Handy (2008), “Is Support For Traditionally Designed Communities Growing?,” Journal of the American Planning Association, Vol. 74, No. 2, pp. 209-221.
Bennet Heart and Jennifer Biringer (2000), The Smart Growth - Climate Change Connection, Conservation Law Foundation (www.tlcnetwork.org).
John D. Hunt (2001), A Stated Preference Analysis of Sensitivities to Elements of Transportation and Urban Form, Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting (www.trb.org); at www.ucalgary.ca/~jabraham/Papers/ecv4trbhunt/ECV4TRBHunt.PDF.
IEDC (2006), Economic Development and Smart Growth: Case Studies on the Connections
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Economic Development Council (www.iedconline.org); at L. Jiang and B. C. O’Neill (2007), “Impacts Of Demographic Trends On US Household Size And Structure,” Population and Development Review, 33, No. 3, pp. 567-591; at
Robert E. Lang (2005), “Valuing the Suburbs: Why Some ‘Improvements’ Lower Home Prices,” Opolis, Vol.1, No.1 (www.mi.vt.edu/uploads/Opolis/Lang.pdf), pp. 5-12.
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Transport Policy & Practice, Vol. 1, No. 4, pp. 9-16; at www.vtpi.org/landuse.pdf.
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Todd Litman (2003), “Integrating Public Health Objectives in Transportation Decision-Making,” American Journal of Health Promotion, Vol. 18, No. 1 (www.healthpromotionjournal.com), Sept./Oct. 2003, pp. 103-108; at www.vtpi.org/AJHP-litman.pdf.
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Todd Litman (2006), Understanding Smart Growth Savings, VTPI (www.vtpi.org); at
Todd Litman (2007), Smart Growth Reforms: Changing Planning, Regulatory and Fiscal
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# # #Todd Litman is founder and executive director of the Victoria Transport Policy Institute, an independent research organization dedicated to developing innovative solutions to transport problems. His work helps to expand the range of impacts and options considered in transportation decision-making, improve evaluation techniques, and make specialized technical concepts accessible to a larger audience. He can be reached at: 1250 Rudlin Street, Victoria, BC, V8V 3R7, Canada. Email: litman@vtpi.org. Phone & Fax: +1 250-360-1560
Friday, September 11, 2009
Home Location , Smart Growth and Sustainable Transport: Changing Patterns
Where We Want To Be:
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Interesting scientific read on how a city's complexity parallels the development of the human brain: Its not overall physical size that matters; rather it depends on the number of neural networks it has. Although I disagree with the article's comparison using a complex highway networks a city should have as an example. Perhaps instead we should substitute number of options one can have to travel within a city including walking cycling and public transportation??? --with the shortness of a route being comparable to the efficiency in which the brain processes complex thoughts. Hence, we could then we have a true example for applying Smart Growth... Its all inside our heads.
My suggested solution would be to accompany a rise in motoring costs with a compensation payment to the less well off living in areas with substandard public transport (however defined). This could be used to support car ownership, taxi hire, services to replace transport, or whatever the recipient wants.
ReplyDeleteThese payments would be made by the relevant local transport authority out of part of the receipts from higher motoring taxes. The recipients could not rely on receiving these payments indefinitely as the local authority would always have the option of using these funds to upgrade the public transport network.
There should also be a getout to stop local authorities having to compensate people who move from adequately served areas into areas with substandard transport, in other words only those already living there (or moving from other substandard areas) would get compensation.
Would this work ?
Simon Norton
On the topic of regional growth, I heard something on the radio this morning which got me thinking. Apparently there is a shortage of school spaces in some of the faster-growing off-island suburbs around Montreal and the local school districts have been having difficulty finding sites to build new buildings. And this at the same time that Montreal is losing young families to the suburbs and the Montreal school district is selling off buildings which no longer have sufficient demand.
ReplyDeletePeople choose to move to the suburbs because they are in search of a 'better life' and pay lower taxes. In new suburbs there may be sufficient services initially, but as time goes on and the suburb develops, the local authorities may find themselves facing difficult infrastructure trade-offs: schools versus parks versus roads, etc. The more mobile residents can just move on to another "better" location, but the city/town/suburb will remain. This is an enormous waste of resources and assumes that we can repeat this "development" process ad-infinitum.
Central cities still have far more residents than distant suburbs in outlying municipalities, so who is paying for the development in these places? How is regional development being managed? How can we change this pattern of land-use "consumption"? How can cities retain their citizens and reinvest in their infrastructure? How can central cities revert the trend of young families leaving?
Any thoughts/comments?
Best regards,
Zvi Leve, Montreal Canada